Menlo Park At A Glance
The city of Menlo Park is made up of 12 neighborhoods according to this Google Maps graphic. They are listed as The Willows, Menlo Oaks, Flood Park, Seminary Oaks, Linfield Oaks, Allied Arts, Downtown Menlo Park, Central Menlo Park, University Height’s, Sharon Height’s, Felton Gable and Fair Oaks. Each of which, have their own unique characteristics and benefits to residency.
West Menlo Park Neighborhoods
Important to note, the neighborhoods on the West side of El Camino Real share a few commonalities. Firstly, the majority of homes are on larger average lot sizes. Secondly, West Menlo homes typically fall into the category of ranch style homes. With a mix of new construction and extensively remodeled homes spread throughout. As a result, the neighborhood has a quiet grandeur and class that has become very sought after. For example, demand within Central Menlo Park and Allied Arts is at an all time high. Homes rarely spend more than 30 days on market.
Linfield Oaks to Flood Park Neighborhoods
The portion of Menlo Park that is between Highway 101 and El Camino Real is made up of 7 of these neighborhoods. Similarly to West Menlo Park, this section of Menlo Park has traits that are distinctive as well. Chiefly, it is important to see just how widely these neighborhoods vary. Some of the largest lots in Menlo Park, for example are found in Menlo Oaks. Then there are lots in Fair Oaks that are “split“, which has created a submarket for relatively affordable bungalows. Illustrating how widely this portion of Menlo Park varies street to street.
Veterans Hospital
The history in this part of Menlo Park is also older and more transformative than that of West Menlo Park. For instance, the Veterans Hospital on Willow Road has shaped the community. In 1918 it was the site for Camp Fremont, a military installation used for training purposes. Army Engineers were responsible for paving the streets, laying gas lines and water pipes. Not only was their labor used, but they retained the land which is now still used by the Veterans Administration.
SRI International
The Stanford Research Institute has been around since 1946. Capitalizing on many of the local Stanford engineers, it is renowned for being a standout non-profit. Its focus has centered around science, materials and computing research. It provides thousands of local jobs and has a large campus in the middle of Menlo Park. It has shaped the history, development and economics of Menlo Park since its inception.
Updated 6/6/2020